About SASA

Our Vision
The SASA’s vision is to give children in South Africa access to high quality Suzuki teaching and to instruments (and other equipment) where needed, to make learning and growing possible.

Mission Statement
The SASA’s role is to be the umbrella organisation that promotes Suzuki teaching and practice in South Africa, by offering teacher training courses, organising workshops, concerts and camps for its members.

Ethical Guidelines
As Suzuki teachers and members of the European Suzuki Association (ESA), we commit ourselves to Dr. Suzuki’s philosophy and his approach to education. Based on Dr. Suzuki’s statement, ‘Where love is deep, much can be accomplished’, we strive for the following common ethical declaration:

• Reflecting and promoting the Suzuki philosophy in our teaching and in dealings with others
• Recognising the potential of all individuals
• Demonstrating an open, sharing spirit and co-operation toward other teacher members
• Dealing with colleagues with humanity and integrity
• Respecting the rights of colleagues when speaking of their work and respecting differences in teaching styles
• Giving credit to colleagues for ideas they have shared
• Making a commitment to life-long learning
• Conducting business in a legal and honest manner
• Respecting and supporting the values, vision and decisions of the ESA

National Board Members

Chairperson: Sonnika Venter
Treasurer: Louis van Manen
Secretary: Elizna Sonnekus
Country Director: Carol Solomon
General Committee Members:
Renee van der Westhuizen
Engela Scheepers
Madeleine Wikner
Lee Marais


Instrument Representatives

Violin: Lee Marais (Gauteng) & Maria Botha (Western Cape)
Cello: Natalie Bentley (Gauteng)
Piano: Sonnika Venter (Western Cape) & Carol Solomon (KwaZulu Natal)
Recorder: Nicola van Zyl Smit (Western Cape)

SASA Constitution

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